Council – 9 December 2024 – Questions Under Standing Order 22


First Questions


Question 1

From Cllr Alan Alvey to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


At a recent Parish Council community consultation held to consider the recent revised planning application submitted for the Fawley Waterside site, it was clear that some residents believed that, because of the Freeport Zone status, NFDC would not be able to refuse the application.


Would the Portfolio Holder please confirm the situation with planning applications for sites within the Freeport Zone.


Question 2


From Cllr Jack Davies to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Residents are rightly dismayed at the state of the public toilets in New Street, Lymington. Lymington is the retail capital of the New Forest but the state of these toilets are an embarrassment. When will these toilets be refurbished to the same standard as other local public toilets?


Question 3


From Cllr David Millar to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


Farming is of strategic importance to the UK, providing food security for our nation, reducing food miles, and providing well-managed countryside for our communities to enjoy. However, the NFDC’s current call for sites will mean developers encouraging farm owners to offer up their land for speculative development opportunities. Can you tell me how this Council balances the need to support our Farmers whilst also looking to meet Government house-building targets?






Question 4


From Cllr Mark Clark to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


With a Labour Government driving the push for larger Unitary Authorities, how will you ensure that the unique needs of the Community won’t be overshadowed by the priorities of a much larger administrative body?


Question 5


From Cllr Stephanie Osborne to the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, Cllr Geoffrey Blunden


Will the Council carry out a cost benefit analysis of constructing canopies with solar panels on District Council car parks?


Question 6


From Cllr Caroline Rackham to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


Can the Leader confirm how much in business rates and net gain NFDC have received currently from the Solent Freeport sites?


Question 7


From Cllr David Harrison to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, Cllr Dan Poole


Following the excellent local campaign being run by the ‘Waterside Changemakers’  what is NFDC doing to help address the lack of reliable and affordable transport options, which is leaving many Residents isolated or reliant on cars? And is this not an opportunity to be proactive and work with County, Town and Parish Councils on a genuine issue for our Residents?


Question 8


From Cllr Hilary Brand to the Leader of the Council, Cllr Jill Cleary


How does the Council plan to increase transparency and public engagement in its decision making process, particularly when major policies often seem to be decided behind closed doors?




Question 9


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Homelessness, Cllr Steve Davies


Please can the portfolio holder update Council on the number of Families and Single people on the our NFDC’s housing waiting list? And how many have we successfully housed and provided suitable accommodation for since the last update?


Second Questions


Question 10


From Cllr Mark Clark to the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Economy, Cllr Derek Tipp


Why, and to whom and for what benefit has NFDC outsourced building control?


Question 11


From Cllr Alex Wade to the Portfolio Holder for Community, Safety and Wellbeing, Cllr Dan Poole


As the Portfolio Holder responsible for our ‘partnership agreement’ with Freedom Leisure, can he advise what feedback and engagement he undertakes on behalf of the Council, it’s Residents and Service Users with Freedom?